Getting Amazon’s Best Seller Badge can feel like winning the lottery: you try and pick the right combination, hoping it’ll pay off in a win. But with RepricerExpress’s help, it doesn’t have to be such a crapshoot. We’ll show you how to use SEO and seller best practices to help you get there ahead of your competitors.
What’s the Amazon Best Seller Badge?
You’ve no doubt come across the Best Seller Badge on Amazon when shopping for products or doing research. It’s an orange icon tagged to products in search results, indicating that particular item is a best seller in its category. It used to be awarded only to the top best seller in that category but has since changed to include the top 100. When it comes to specific categories, the effort to win a Best Seller Badge differs. Some categories, like Electronics or Pet Supplies, are hugely competitive, making it more difficult to win one. Conversely, categories where there are less competition and diversity, it’s a little easier to aim for a Best Seller Badge. Further, some categories might not have competition to warrant 100 top sellers, but the distinction is no less important. Even though the focus might be narrower in a niche category than in a popular one like Toys and Games, having one of those badges tied to your product is still a mark of excellence.
How to Get a Best Seller Badge
Unlike other aspects of winning “prizes” on Amazon, the path to a Best Seller Badge is fairly known and formulaic. Success relies on product and sales rank and changes constantly, so follow these tips to boost your chances of winning a Badge. Category: If your products aren’t in the most appropriate or relevant categories, buyers will have a tough time searching for them. If they can’t find them, they can’t buy them. And if they can’t buy them, you can’t amass enough sales to get the Best Seller Badge. This can be easily avoided by researching to make sure your product is tagged to the right category, especially if you use Amazon’s browse tree guide. Competition: When you sell on Amazon, you’re not only competing with other independent sellers and branded retailers, you’re also competing with Amazon itself. However, unlike competing with other sellers, competing with Amazon rarely results in a win because the marketplace is just too big. If you notice a private label brand offered by Amazon, it’s inevitable they’ll have the Best Seller Badge. But if you notice a category where Amazon doesn’t have a private label offering, it’s a golden opportunity to throw everything you’ve got in a bid to win that badge. SEO: Apologies if we sound like a broken record in our posts about SEO, but it’s one of the strongest foundational practices you can employ to get more searches, traffic and sales, with the last one being crucial to making it on the Best Seller List. To get there, focus your attention on keyword research to leave as visible a trail to your products as possible. Promotional campaigns: Because the Best Seller Badge is all about product and sales rank, running a promotional campaign is one of the most direct ways to winning a badge. You can try running a promotion or giveaway, like a lightning sale or BOGO deal. However, take note that this should be a temporary practice. Lowering your prices too much for too long can result in a price battle or race to the bottom, as well as potentially affecting your overall profit margin.